Sunday, May 24, 2020
A Review of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
Have you ever wondered what you would do if you washed up on a deserted island? Daniel Defoe dramatizes such an experience in Robinson Crusoe! Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe was inspired by the story of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish sailor who went to sea in 1704. Selkirk requested that his shipmates put him ashore on Juan Fernandez, where he remained until he was rescued by Woodes Rogers in 1709. Defoe may have interviewed Selkirk. Also, several version of Selkirks tale were available to him. He then built on the story, adding his imagination, his experiences, and a whole history of other stories to create the novel for which he has become so well-known. Daniel Defoe In his lifetime, Defoe published more than 500 books, pamphlets, articles, and poems. Unfortunately, none of his literary endeavors ever brought him much financial success or stability. His occupations ranged from spying and embezzling to soldiering and pamphleteering. He had started out as a merchant, but he soon found himself bankrupt, which led him to choose other occupations. His political passions, his flare for libel, and his inability to stay out of debt also caused him to be imprisoned seven times. Even if he wasnt financially successful, Defoe managed to make a significant mark on literature. He influenced the development of the English novel, with his journalistic detail and characterization. Some claim that Defoe wrote the first true English novel: and hes often considered to be the father of British journalism. At the time of its publication, in 1719, Robinson Crusoe was a success. Defoe was 60 when he wrote this first novel; and he would write seven more in the years to come, including Moll Flanders (1722), Captain Singleton (1720), Colonel Jack (1722), and Roxana (1724). The Story of Robinson Crusoe Its no wonder the story was such a success... The story is about a man who is stranded on a desert island for 28 years. With the supplies hes able to salvage from the wrecked ship, Robinson Crusoe eventually builds a fort and then creates for himself a kingdom by taming animals, gathering fruit, growing crops, and hunting.The book contains adventure of all sorts: pirates, shipwrecks, cannibals, mutiny, and so much more... Robinson Crusoes story is also Biblical in many of its themes and discussions. Its the story of the prodigal son, who runs away from home only to find calamity. Elements of the story of Job also appear in the story, when in his illness, Robinson cries out for deliverance: Lord, be my help, for I am in great distress. Robinson questions God, asking, Why has God done this to me? What have I done to be thus used? But he makes peace ​and goes on with his solitary existence. After more than 20 years on the island, Robinson encounters cannibals, which represent the first human contact hes had since being stranded: One day, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a mans naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to be seen on the sand. Then, hes alone  with only the brief far-off view of a shipwreck  until he rescues Friday from the cannibals. Robinson finally makes his escape when a ship of mutineers sail to the island. He and his companions help the British captain to take back control of ​the ship. He sets sail for England on December 19, 1686--after spending 28 years, 2 months, and 19 days on the island. He arrives back in England, after being gone for 35 years, and finds that he is a wealthy man. Loneliness and the Human Experience Robinson Crusoe is the tale of a lonely human being who manages to survive for years without any human companionship. Its a story about the different ways that men cope with reality when hardship comes, but its also the tale of a man creating his own reality, rescuing a savage and fashioning his own world out of the untamed wilderness of a desert island. The tale has influenced many other tales, including The Swiss Family Robinson, Philip Quarll, and Peter Wilkins. Defoe followed up the tale with his own sequel, The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, but that tale was not met with a much success as the first novel. In any case, the figure of Robinson Crusoe has become an important archetypal figure in literature  Robinson Crusoe was described by Samuel T. Coleridge as the universal man.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Vought F4U Corsair in World War II
The Chance Vought F4U Corsair was a noted American fighter that debuted during World War II. Though intended for use aboard aircraft carriers, the F4U experienced early landing issues that initially prevented its deployment to the fleet. As a result, it first entered combat in large numbers with the U.S. Marine Corps. A highly-effective fighter, the F4U posted an impressive kill ratio against Japanese aircraft and also fulfilled a ground-attack role. The Corsair was retained after the conflict and saw extensive service during the Korean War. Though retired from American service in the 1950s, the aircraft remained in use around the world until the late 1960s. Design Development In February 1938, the U.S. Navy Bureau of Aeronautics began seeking proposals for new carrier-based fighter aircraft. Issuing requests for proposals for both single-engine and twin-engine aircraft, they required the former be capable of a high top speed, but have a stall speed of 70 mph. Among those who entered the competition was Chance Vought. Led by Rex Beisel and Igor Sikorsky, the design team at Chance Vought created an aircraft centered on the Pratt Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp engine. To maximize the power of the engine, they selected the large (13 ft. 4 in.) Hamilton Standard Hydromatic propeller. While this significantly enhanced performance, it presented problems in designing other elements of the aircraft such as the landing gear. Due to the propellers size, the landing gear struts were unusually long which required the aircrafts wings to be redesigned. In seeking a solution, the designers ultimately settled on utilizing an inverted gull wing. Though this type of structure was more difficult to construct, it minimized drag and allowed for air intakes to be installed on the leading edges of the wings. Pleased with Chance Voughts progress, the U.S. Navy signed a contract for a prototype in June 1938. Chance Vought XF4U-1 Corsair prototype during tests at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), Langley Research Center at Hampton, VA, in 1940-41.  NASA Langley Research Center Designated the XF4U-1 Corsair, the new aircraft quickly moved forward with the Navy approving the mock-up in February 1939, and the first prototype took flight on May 29, 1940. On October 1, the XF4U-1 made a trial flight from Stratford, CT to Hartford, CT averaging 405 mph and becoming the first US fighter to break the 400 mph barrier. While the Navy and the design team at Chance Vought were pleased with the planes performance, control issues persisted. Many of these were dealt with by the addition of a small spoiler on the leading edge of the starboard wing. With the outbreak of World War II in Europe, the Navy altered its requirements and asked that the aircrafts armament be enhanced. Chance Vought complied by equipping the XF4U-1 with six .50 cal. machine guns mounted in the wings. This addition forced the removal of fuel tanks from the wings and an expansion of the fuselage tank. As a result, the XF4U-1s cockpit was moved 36 inches aft. The movement of the cockpit, coupled with the aircrafts long nose, made it difficult to land for inexperienced pilots. With many of the Corsairs problems eliminated, the aircraft moved into production in mid-1942. Chance Vought F4U Corsair GeneralLength: 33 ft. 4 in.Wingspan: 41 ft.Height: 16 ft. 1 in.Wing Area: 314 sq. ft.Empty Weight: 8,982 lbs.Loaded Weight: 14,669 lbs.Crew: 1PerformancePower Plant: 1 Ãâ€" Pratt Whitney R-2800-8W radial engine, 2,250 hpRange: 1,015 milesMax Speed: 425 mphCeiling: 36,900 ft.ArmamentGuns: 6 Ãâ€" 0.50 in (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine gunsRockets: 4Ãâ€" 5 in High Velocity Aircraft Rockets orBombs: 2,000 lbs. Operational History In September 1942, new issues arose with the Corsair when it underwent carrier qualification trials. Already a difficult aircraft to land, numerous problems were found with its main landing gear, tail wheel, and tailhook. As the Navy also had the F6F Hellcat coming into service, the decision was made to release the Corsair to the U.S. Marine Corps until the deck landing problems could be resolved. First arriving in the Southwest Pacific in late 1942, the Corsair appeared in larger numbers over the Solomons in early 1943. Marine pilots quickly took to the new aircraft as its speed and power gave it a decisive advantage over the Japanese A6M Zero. Made famous by pilots such as Major Gregory Pappy Boyington (VMF-214), the F4U soon began to rack up impressive kill numbers against the Japanese. The fighter was largely restricted to the Marines until September 1943, when the Navy began flying it in larger numbers. It was not until April 1944, that the F4U was fully certified for carrier operations. As Allied forces pushed through the Pacific the Corsair joined the Hellcat in protecting US ships from kamikaze attacks. F4U Corsair attacks Japanese ground targets on Okinawa, 1945. National Archives and Records Administration In addition to service as a fighter, the F4U saw extensive use as a fighter-bomber providing vital ground support to Allied troops. Capable of carrying bombs, rockets, and glide bombs, the Corsair earned the name Whistling Death from the Japanese due to sound it made when diving to attack ground targets. By the end of the war, Corsairs were credited with 2,140 Japanese aircraft against losses of 189 F4Us for an impressive kill ratio of 11:1. During the conflict F4Us flew 64,051 sorties of which only 15% were from carriers. The aircraft also saw service with other Allied air arms. Later Use Retained after the war, the Corsair returned to combat in 1950, with the outbreak of fighting in Korea. During the early days of the conflict, the Corsair engaged North Korean Yak-9 fighters, however with the introduction of the jet-powered MiG-15, the F4U was shifted to a purely ground support role. Flown throughout the war, special purpose-built AU-1 Corsairs were constructed for use by the Marines. Retired after the Korean War, the Corsair remained in service with other countries for several years. The last known combat missions flown by the aircraft were during the 1969 El Salvador-Honduras Football War.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Choosing a Right Major to Create My Future Free Essays
Rupeng Yang Choosing a right major to create my future Undergraduates have the higher educational level than high school student, but have the lower educational level than graduates. The time we spend in college is the most important time in our lives. During this period of time, we have been changing ourselves a lot. We will write a custom essay sample on Choosing a Right Major to Create My Future or any similar topic only for you Order Now Because we get more information from our professors and our schoolmates to make us to become â€Å"critically thinking adults†(P85). We do not want to dependent on our family very much. We are trying to think about our future independently. We want to be more independent. So we obtain a lot of information from outside world, ignoring the information is good or bad. The most important thing we are thinking about is our majors. We are lack of experiences how to make a right choice on our majors. We do not know what we can do in our future. Now we are suffering from selecting majors. We really need to get help from professors or tutors in our college. Last semester was my first semester in baruch college. When I met new classmates or new professors, the most question to me is what my major is. My answer was always I do not decide or I do not know. Many freshmen have the same situations as me, even some second year students. Why do not we choose majors? We Yang 2 want, but we do not know what we can choose. In baruch, the first two years classes have not any relationship with our majors. We have few chances to get information about majors from our classes. Because we are always busy with studying. Some students have part time jobs. They need to focus on not only their study, but also their jobs. Because they need to make money to support their education. They have little chance to know about their majors. Why do we want to attend to college? Because we want to know about our world well and obtain more knowledge to know what we are able to do or what we are interested in doing in the future. I know we have advisers in baruch. But that is not enough to so many students. We need more professional advisers to help us to analyze what the employment situations in the world now and what it will be like after we graduate, or help us to find out what are really interested in. Baruch college is famous at accounting major. But not everyone comes here for becoming an accoutant. I do not want to be an accountant too. I hope my major is about finance. Finance comprises many branches. I need a more specific major. My question is how I can use my advantages better if I choose a major. I am good at math, but I do not want to be an accountant. What can I do in the future? Baruch college pays a lot of money to the library resources every year to give students more knowledge and help us to study well. But if we do not know what we will do, or what our life will be like in the future, what is the destination for studying well? Our majors are like our dreams about our life. We need to spend a lot of time on our major. Because our majors connect with our working, Yang 3 and our working connects with our life and family in the future. That is why I am really concerned about choosing a right and propriate major. Many of my family members and friends told me that the major I choose is what I am really interested in. Because I need to spend more than four years on the major, and the first formal job I find is about my major. With an old saying in China, â€Å"Man needs to select the right major, and woman needs to get married with the right man. As far as I know, it is not easy to change major in college. If you did, it really takes time to finish another major. So we hope we can make right decisions at the first time. We do not need to change our decisions and use more time and energy to finish our education. â€Å"A more serious problem for faculty at many state and city colleges is the scarcity of resources. Because schools cannot easily hire more facul ty members, they increase the workloads of those they have. †(P86) Baruch college does not have that problem. We have enough and professional faculty members, and good resources and computers in the library. Every student would not say, â€Å"There is no class for me to choose. †Every student can become full time student. If baruch college can put more professional advisers in it, that would be better. We have a good student academic consulting center. There are good professors and tutors to help students with their study, such as English, mathmatic, foreign language and so on. But few people think about if we have professional advisers to help us with our majors, we can get the best benefit. Yang 4 If I know what my major is, I will make my goals clearly for my life. I can make sure what I need to learn, what I do not need to waste time on. That makes my study more efficient. Although my parents and friends gave me some suggestions. those are not professional enough. I need a professional adviser to help me clear out my struggle. I appreciate that baruch has enough faculty members, good resources and beautiful basketball playgrounds. I hope baruch can add more professional advisers in it to help our students with their majors. How to cite Choosing a Right Major to Create My Future, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Significance of Positive Accounting Research Samples for Students
Question: Analyze the Scope, Role Impact of Positive Accounting Theory. Answer: Introduction Basically, each and every research paper is start from a research topic that addresses research problems and questions. The main research topic for this research is to understand and analyze the scope, importance/role/impact of positive accounting theory research and its implication in the real life. Moreover, it is also important to know that, in order to address the research questions and problems, the research article such as: Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research is selected. Based on this research article, the key objectives associated with this research paper would be attained in order to reach a valid conclusion. Generally, the author of this research article is Paul V Dunmore and written in the year 2009. Moreover, the main aim of this critique is to conduct a critical investigation on the arguments presented by the researcher in this research article. In the same way, both positive and negative aspects of the research article would be presented in this paper to eff ectively understand the research topic and problem. At the same time, the researcher of the article had presented several arguments on the importance and implication of positive accounting research and theory. Additionally, this research paper is structured in an effective and proper manner to understand all the aspects of the research paper and article. For instance, the main parts of this research paper are introduction, detailed overview about the research article, research problems/questions, theoretical framework, importance, limitation of article and conclusion. Overview/Summary of Research Article In the research article, the author had tried to explain the significance of positive accounting research and theory and its applications in the real life or corporate world. Moreover, in this research article, it is argued that, business firms or companies must adopt such theories and practices in order to attain long term objectives, competitive scope and fight with the future business challenges (Hay, Knechel and Wong, 2006). It is found that, positive accounting is an important area that not only helps the business firms in reducing a number of costs but also adding the values in the efficiency, as well as productivity of the companies quickly and effectively. Additionally, the findings of the article is indicates and highlights the significance and value of behavioral finance in term of predicting (Francis, 2006). Moreover, the researcher had also analyzed the hypothesis of Efficient Market Hypothesis. Along with this, in this research article, the author had suggest to the comp anies and organizations of todays corporate world that, they should focus on using positive accounting theory as compare to the Efficient Market Hypothesis in order to enhance organizational efficiency and gain competitive scope. In addition to this, the main findings of the research article reflect that the PAT helps the business firms in analyzing and predicting the real life events effectively. In the same way, it brings innovation, improvements and development within a number of accounting transactions (Dunmore, 2009). It is also argued by the researcher in his study that, it is more essential and valuable for todays corporate companies to investigate and access the main reason behind any exact event. So, PAT is also more dynamic and useful for all the types of firms in predicting and analyzing the unprecedented events that are related to the firms and may affect the success and growth of the business firms. On the other hand, it is also summarized that, through the positive theory or research, a particular company could be success in predicting the sustainability aspect of its business in a more competitive and dynamic market situation in an effective and innovative manner (Fogarty and Markarian, 2007). Furthermore, the researcher of the article is also provides suggestions to todays business, accounting and finance manager to have strong as well as complete ideas about their own financial abilities to run accounting financial functions more dynamically. Moreover, they should also focus on enhanc ing their capabilities and knowledge in order to attain the long term and strategic goals and objectives of a firm. Along with this, it is also analyzed from the article that, positive accounting is a scientific approach to the research in the area of accounting that play a key role in developing an clear understanding about the main factors affecting the behavior of human in the accounting setting (Dunmore, 2009). Moreover, in order to effectively and accurately understand the human behavior, the author had presented a number of epistemological as well as ontological assumptions. But these assumptions would require scientific research to be a feasible intellectual project. On the other hand, it is also argued by the researcher that, positive accounting theory is offer positive outcomes for the companies and offer opportunities to the companies to understand upcoming events. Moreover, in order to improve decision making in the context of accounting setting, business firms must use positive research and theory. Moreover, importance of positive research programs and positive accounting theory is also summarized in the article (Belt, 2007). For case, the main findings of the study indicates that positive accounting research programs have more scope and wider than the positive theory. It is behavioral aspects of the accounting and financial transactions could be understood by a company by conductin g positive research programs. This is also offer opportunities and scopes to the financial managers to effectively and accurately handle the accounting issues in a more dynamic and systematic manner. Overall, it can be said that, the author had tried to explain the significance and role of PAT in the accounting setting to attain long term objectives of the business firms (Dunmore, 2009). Research Questions This research paper has wider scope for the further study in the area of positive accounting research programs, and theory. So, it addresses a number of specific, valuable and important research questions. The main research question of the study is given as below: How positive accounting theory and research is more significant and valuable in the accounting setting. And what are their major implications in the real corporate world? The following are the sub- research questions that directly and indirectly linked with the study such as: How positive research and theory influence the decisions of corporate companies positively? What are the key advantages and disadvantages of using PAT theory and research? What are the major roles and functions of PAT and positive research in improving organizational efficiency, and productivity? (Libet, 2002). How to avoid and deal with the future business challenges by using positive research programs? How positive research is plays a key role in adding the values within the companies? What are the major roles of behavioral finance? What are the major differences among the positive research, positive theory and theory of efficient market? Why business firms should use positive research and theory by ignoring Efficient Market Hypothesis? (Kosmala and MacLullich, 2003). How PAT and research plays key role in predicting real events for the corporate world? Why it is important for the financial and accounting manager to have strong financial knowledge and abilities? What are the major forces that may affect the human behavior in the context of accounting? What are epistemological and ontological assumptions in the accounting setting? Why positive research is wider and valuable than the positive theory? These identified research questions or hypotheses are more valuable that helps in addressing the research problems and solving the research issues effectively. These questions are presenting and reflecting both positive and negative aspects of the conducted literature review (Davila, and Foster, 2007). Theoretical Framework The researcher had used various theoretical framework and concepts in order to fulfill the objectives of the study. For case, theoretical assumptions are made by the author by using epistemological and ontological statements in order to solve the research problems effectively. In addition to this, these theoretical concepts and frameworks are more valuable for the financial managers, accounting people and auditors to improve their understanding about the positive research and theory and their value in the real life events. For case, by applying this theoretical framework, they could be able to enhance organizational efficiency and productivity in a more innovative, systematic and dynamic manner. At the same time, the theoretical framework could also be used and applied by todays business firms and companies in order to deal with the future business challenges in the area of finance, auditing and bookkeeping (Dahmash, Durand, and Watson, 2009). In the same way, the present accounting systems, process and practices could be improved effectively by using such theoretical framework. In addition to this, the framework such as positive research, theory, programs, efficient market theory could also be used by the companies to predict the upcoming events those are directly or indirectly linked and related with the business operations and functions. This would bring innovation and development not only within the accounting and financial functions but also entire functions of the firms. Moreover, the researcher had also used various significant theoretical models to present the study that could be used to bring reliability, flexibility, accountability within the current process and systems (Antle, Gordon, Narayanamoorthy, and Zhou, 2006). The Significance and Limitations of the Article Significance: On the basis of the findings and arguments made by the researcher, the main significance of this research article is that the author had used and applied various statistical, mathematical and theoretical models to present the study and address the research problems effectively. Moreover, clear discussion on the positive research, positive theory and efficient market theory is also made by the researcher that is important to understand the study. Along with this, the researcher had also tried to explain and define the major differences among the positive accounting theory and positive accounting research or program. Overall, it can be said that, each and every aspects related to the positive accounting theory and research is analyzed properly and accurately by the author to develop a clear understating about the research topic. Finally, the author had crucially conducted literature on the study by considering both positive and negative aspects. These are the main importa nce of the study found in the study (Choi, Kim, Liu, and Simunic, 2009). Limitations: The key limitation and disadvantage of the study is that, the author had not presented study scientifically, appropriately and effectively. It is because there are no clear research topic, research objectives, goals, research questions. Moreover, the researcher had not focused on developing the hypothesis for the study that is a major weakness of the study. Along with this, it is also analyzed and accessed that, the researcher had more focused on theoretical concepts of positive research and ignored others aspects directly that shows no link among the research topic and problem (Humphrey, 2008). The information, data, results and findings of the study is not presented graphically that is another limitation of the study. Moreover, more complicated and complex mathematical models are used in the study that is not easily to use and understand by the financial and accounting managers. In the same way, this research study has a lot of limitations that directly or indirectly a ffecting the findings and results of the study (Ashton, Dunmore, and Tippett, 2004). Conclusions Based on the facts, and observation made by the researcher in his study, it can be concluded that, positive accounting theory and research is play a key role in predicting the human behavior in the accounting setting that is important for a company in enhancing its productivity and efficiency. Moreover, positive research has more scope and wider as compare to positive accounting theory because it provides significant opportunities to the financial/accounting managers and their companies to predict and access future business events that are related to the company and its business operations. Additionally, the business firms should ignore efficient market hypothesis by using positive accounting research in order to bring innovation, accountability, creditability and accuracy within the accounting transactions and functions. Finally, it can be concluded that, in todays corporate business environment, human behavior is affecting the business decisions so business firms should apply posit ive theory and research in the accounting setting. References Antle, R., Gordon, E., Narayanamoorthy, G., and Zhou, L. (2006). The joint determination of audit fees, non-audit fees, and abnormal accruals. Review of Quantitative Finance Accounting 27 (3), pp. 235266. Ashton, D., Dunmore, P., and Tippett, M. (2004). Double entry bookkeeping and the distributional properties of a firms financial ratios. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 31 (5-6), pp. 583606. Belt, D., (2007). Struggle for the soul of Pakistan. National Geographic 212 (3), pp. 3259. Choi, J.-H., Kim, J.-B., Liu, X., and Simunic, D. A. (2009). Cross-listing audit fee premiums: Theory and evidence. The Accounting Review 84 (5), pp. 1429 1463. Dahmash, F. N., Durand, R. B., and Watson, J. (2009). The value relevance and reliability of reported goodwill and identifiable intangible assets. The British Accounting Review 41 (2), pp. 120 137. Davila, A., and Foster, G. (2007). Management control systems in early-stage startup companies. The Accounting Review 82 (4), pp. 907937. Dunmore, P.V. (2009). Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research. Available At: {Accessed On: 27 May 2017}. Fogarty, T. J., and Markarian, G. (2007). An empirical assessment of the rise and fall of accounting as an academic discipline. Issues in Accounting Education 22 (2), pp. 137161. Francis, J. R., (2006). Are auditors compromised by nonaudit services? Assessing theevidence. Contemporary Accounting Research 23 (3), pp. 747 760. Hay, D. C., Knechel, W. R., and Wong, N., (2006). Audit fees: A meta-analysis of the effectof supply and demand attributes. Contemporary Accounting Research 23 (1), pp. 141191. Humphrey, C., (2008). Auditing research: A review across the disciplinary divide. Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal 21 (2), pp. 170 203. Kosmala and MacLullich, K. (2003). The Emperors new clothes? New audit regimes: Insights from Foucaults Technologies of the Self. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 14(8), pp. 791. Libet, B. (2002). The timing of mental events: Libets experimental findings and theirimplications. Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2), pp. 291299.
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