Wednesday, December 25, 2019
What is Forensic Psychology - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2581 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/08/05 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Tags: Forensic Psychology Essay Did you like this example? Forensic psychology is a newer branch of psychology that is often times misconceived due to its portrayal in the media. A forensic psychologists role has many distinctions from other branches of psychology and is much more demanding than most may believe. The American Psychological Association depicts forensic psychology as the application of clinical specialties to the legal arena (Ward). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What is Forensic Psychology?" essay for you Create order The profession requires that forensic psychologists become familiar with all psychological concepts, the criminal justice system, and the laws applicable to that particular state. A simplified description of forensic psychology is the merger of law and psychology (Forensic Psychology Careers). Before pursuing a career as a forensic psychologist, one must consider many factors about the field. There are several topics that will be covered in the document, beginning with the education requirements that individuals must meet before they can become licensed. Then, dependent upon ones interest, there is a selection of settings that one can choose to work in. Concepts such as salary and job outlook will also be discussed as well as the misconceptions of the role of a forensic psychologist. All of these components are important to consider when deciding whether or not this is an acceptable profession. While conducting research on this topic, an interview was conducted withDr. Louis Cerbo is a forensic psychologist working as the Clinical Director for the State of Rhode Island Department of Corrections. He is also an adjunct professor at Roger Williams University in the Psychology Department. His personal experience and expertise will be mentioned throughout this document. Dr. Cerbo, he explained that he decided to go into a career in forensic psychology because he had degrees in psychology and also had an interest in law, so he believed this would be a good career for him because it brought his two passions together. Data Section Education Requirements There are many careers that individuals can pursue with a forensic psychology degree, but they can be limited depending on the level of the degree. The figure below, shows the possible careers for a forensic psychology degree at that particular level. Bachelors Degree Victim Advocate Court Liaison Law Enforcement Officer Probation Officer Masters Degree Jury Consultant Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Juvenile Offenders Counselor Research Assistant Doctorate Degrees Forensic Psychologist Expert Witness Psychology Professor/Instructor Psychology Researcher Figure 1: Careers with a Forensic Psychology Degree Data from: What Can I Do This document will focus specifically on a career as a forensic psychologist; however, there are a multitude of careers that someone can have with a degree in forensic psychology. Those with undergraduate degrees in forensic psychology are the most confined because they are not qualified to provide certain services. Despite not being eligible for particular roles, these careers are still important within the criminal justice system. Those who decide to obtain a masters degree in forensic psychology are still not qualified to be licensed as a psychologist, but they would still be working directly with victims and offenders. Individuals who decide to complete a doctoral degree are eligible to receive a psychologist license. Having this degree along with the proper training hours, allows a person to perform examinations on clients in addition to providing treatment for them. There are more options in the field for people who have a doctoral degree in forensic psychology and among those choices, the most common would be a forensic psychologist (What Can I Do). In order to be a qualified as a forensic psychologist, one must have a doctoral degree recognized by the American Psychological Association (Ward). A doctoral degree in psychology can be a PsyD or PhD degree, which both provide the ability to be accepted as a licensed psychologist. These degrees vary, so it is important for individuals to understand the differences between them because it can have an impact on the education one receives and the type of internship work they experience (What Can I Do). There are less PsyD programs offered, but they accept more into their programs. They have become more popular recently, because they give students the ability to graduate earlier than students in PhD programs. PsyD programs focus on using the skills and knowledge gained in their work to apply to practice whereas, PhD programs have an emphasis on research over practice (Pomerantz, p.14). When Dr. Cerbo decided he wanted to become a forensic psychologist he had to decide on his educational track. He already had his undergraduate degree as well as two masters degrees, one in clinical psychology and the other in personality and social psychology. His next decision was to decide if he wanted to pursue a PhD or PsyD degree. He applied to both programs; however, he chose a PhD program ultimately because there were few PsyD programs at the time. This was taking place during the 1980s and he was unsure of the future of a PsyD degree since some states would not license those with PsyD degrees. Another potential problem would have been that with a PsyD degree it would be hard to get internships, which could result in lack of training. Dr. Cerbo explains that PsyD programs today, are now much more accepted than they previously had been. Despite the fact that both programs recognized equally in todays society, he still would have chosen a PhD degree because he wanted more of a r esearch background. Figure 2: Education Track Source: The visual above shows an overview of the path it takes to become a forensic psychologist. The track begins with four years of undergraduate education to complete a bachelors degree, typically focused on psychology, criminology, and forensics (Forensic Psychology Careers). The next step can differ for individuals because some may choose to earn a masters degree; however, it is not required and will add another two years to their educational track. The final step is completing a doctoral degree which has an average of three to seven years (How To Become a Psychologist). While in school for a doctorate, an individual must complete one year of a predoctoral internship certified by the American Psychological Association and then have an additional year of experience in the field. Throughout this process, students will learn clinical skills that will assist them in their work. Having clinical skills in clinical assessment, interviewing, report writing, strong verbal communication skills a nd case presentation will play an important role in becoming a successful forensic psychologist (Ward). Depending on the state, there may also be additional requirements to complete. Once all of the requirements are met, the aspiring forensic psychologist must pass the state exam in the state they would like to practice in, in order to get their state license to practice. Then they must take the national exam known as the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. Once the exams are passed, they are eligible to begin their career as a practicing forensic psychologist (Careers in Forensic Psychology). Work Environments After years of coursework and training, a forensic psychologist has to decide on the work environment they would like to work in. Forensic psychologists have a variety of locations they can work in such as police stations, courthouses, law firms, prisons, jails, and juvenile detention centers (Forensic Psychology Careers). Having an array of settings to work in is an attractive aspect to the field of forensic psychology because individuals can choose many different career paths with their degree. On a large scale, the most common work environments for forensic psychologists to have are careers in law enforcement, clinical, or research and teaching (Forensic Psychology Careers and Job Outlook). Forensic psychologists that choose to work in law enforcement can work in small departments such as local or state where they could be hired as consultants to select, train, and evaluate police officers (Employment Outlook). Forensic psychologists could also work for large agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI employs forensic psychologists as criminal profilers to evaluate past criminal activity in order to to determine fact patterns and potential suspects (Employment Outlook). Although it may seem as if the FBI is the most prevalent place to have criminal profilers, criminal profilers are still strongly used in smaller law enforcement agencies (Forensic Psychology Careers and Job Outlook). Another environment a forensic psychologist can work in is a crime scene and laboratory setting which involves assessing crime scenes, evaluating evidence in a laboratory, and then presenting that evidence in court (Employment Outlook). In addition to working in the law enforcement setting, forensic psychologists can work in the clinical setting. Rather than creating profiles of criminals to help catch them, forensic psychologists will provide services to criminals already in the criminal justice system who are suffering from psychological problems. Forensic psychologists will evaluate offenders and then implement treatment plans. Typically, these forensic psychologists will work in a prison or jail; however, they can also choose to work in psychiatric hospitals or mental health centers (Forensic Psychology Careers and Job Outlook). The third most common work environment for forensic psychologists is in research and teaching. Research plays a critical role in the development of forensic psychology. Forensic psychologists will track the trends of crimes and then utilize this knowledge to help law enforcement (Forensic Psychology Careers and Job Outlook). Forensic psychologists may also teach which can entail a variety of roles. Some can be hired to educate the public on improving public safety and encouraging physical and mental wellness. An example of this, is teaching the public of how exposure to abuse can effect an individual. Forensic psychologists can speak in seminars and arrange clinics to educate law enforcement officers of the relevant information that could help them with understanding and dealing with criminals (Forensic Psychology Careers and Job Outlook). Another option they have is to teach at the undergraduate or graduate level. It is beneficial to share their own personal experiences in the field , so students can better understand relevant topics that would be discussed among the class. Salary The salary for a forensic psychologist can vary based on their degree, work environment, and specialties. There is limited data on the salaries of forensic psychologists, so it is difficult to determine the most accurate mean salary (Careers in Forensic Psychology). According to Payscale, the national average salary for a forensic psychologist is $63,258; however, their salaries have a wide range from around $38,000 to $112,000. The more experience a forensic psychologist has, the higher salary they will receive. The following visual provides the average annual salaries for a forensic psychologist based upon experience level (Average Forensic Psychologist Salary). Figure 3: Data from: As shown in Figure 3, an entry level forensic psychologist would be making around $50,000 a year in comparison to someone working over 20 years in the field would be making over $100,000 (Average Forensic Psychologist Salary). Other sources also suggest that with more experience and education, forensic psychologists can exceed well over $120,000 annually. Larger departments and cities typically have a higher salary as well (Forensic Psychology Careers and Job Outlook). Some forensic psychologists will choose to provide services in consultation in private practice in order to gain an additional income. Those who choose to do this, on average, can make from $150 to $450 hourly. The earning potential for forensic psychologists continues to grow because of the increased need for expertise on criminal behavior and problems relating to mental health (Employment Outlook). The salaries of forensic psychologists, in general, are similar if not somewhat above the average salary for other careers. Some forensic psychologists believe their decision to go into the field goes beyond the salary of their work. They think that the work they do is making a difference to benefit society; therefore, their salary is not the most influential reason for going in the field of forensic psychology (Forensic Psychology Careers and Job Outlook). Job Outlook According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is a very positive job outlook for a career as a forensic psychologist. It also stated that forensic psychologists will most likely experience more than a 10% increase from 2014 to 2024. The projections of job availability for this career may vary based on specializations within the field (Forensic Psychology Careers and Job Outlook).The American Psychological Association explains how forensic psychologists have opportunity to grow within the field in a variety of settings (Careers in Forensic Psychology). In addition to forensic psychologists having a strong job outlook, it also has great job security. There are not many concerns that this job will fade out in the upcoming years because there will always be a need for forensic psychologists (Forensic Psychology Careers and Job Outlook). Despite efforts to prevent or reduce crime, it is inevitable that people will be committing crimes and for those reasons there is a need for forensi c psychologists in order to properly evaluate and treat offenders Misconceptions Forensic psychology is a relatively recent branch of psychology, therefore there are often misconceptions about the role of a forensic psychologist. Television shows and movies portray forensic psychologists as having exciting jobs where they are easily able to understand an offender. This however is not the case, forensic psychologists that profile offenders need a considerable amount of time in order to assess the crime and interpret the offenders motives to predict the type of person that would be committing a particular crime (Ward). A career as a forensic psychologist is much more challenging than many people may recognize. The job can be mentally and physically draining that it may deter some individuals from wanting to work in the career (Forensic Psychology Careers and Job Outlook). It is important for forensic psychologists to have people in their life and activities they enjoy in order to separate their emotionally difficult cases from their life at home. Conclusion Summary of Findings The career of a forensic psychologist requires an extensive amount of education by completing a doctorate degree. The education track requires time and money which may not be available to all individuals. Skills such as in interviewing and case presentation that a forensic psychologist will be obtained throughout their education that will be important for them to succeed in the profession. Forensic psychologists have an array of opportunities to work in different environments including law enforcement, clinical, or research and teaching. The latitude of work settings, as well as a median average salary of $63,258, makes this profession very appealing. Another influential factor of pursuing this career is that it has a positive job outlook providing more job opportunities for those interested in the field. Recommendations Based on the research provided in this document, it can be concluded that a career as a forensic psychologist is feasible. Dr. Cerbo highly recommends this profession for current criminal justice or psychology students. He advises students who are interested in forensic psychology to take both criminal justice and psychology courses in their undergraduate years because it will give students the perspective they will need as a forensic psychologist. Despite a few drawbacks to the job including extensive education and that it can sometimes be draining, the career is becoming more well-known and desirable. The profession of a forensic psychologist is practical for many people because it incorporates aspects from both psychology and the criminal justice system which is what many students are wanting to find. A favorable aspect of this career is that is has so many settings that one can work in, so individuals can decide to specialize in a particular area that most interests them. The car eer of a forensic psychologist is feasible and should be further investigated.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Becoming A United States Citizen - 1075 Words
Becoming a United States citizen is such a difficult task that many immigrants are crossing the border illegally. Today, the naturalization process is a large controversial topic. To become a citizen one has to go through a series of tests including topics about US government, language, and civics. One has to be able to speak and understand English which can be extremely difficult as a second language. Because it is so difficult to becoming a citizen or let alone enter a country with certain permissions, immigrants are illegally crossing the border causing issues and tension with existing United States citizens. Becoming a United States citizen should be easier because it would decrease illegal immigration, decrease human trafficking, and†¦show more content†¦Once immigrants become citizens they ultimately benefit society for everyone by paying taxes and serving others. Making the naturalization process easier would create jobs for immigrants and help them to live legally in the US safely. Some oppose this option because they believe citizens would begin to overpopulate. Actually, the only number that would increase would be the number of United States citizens, not the number of immigrants overall. Making the citizenship process easier and simpler would accommodate the immigrants by making them eligible for jobs and legal, steady income with all the benefits of a United States citizen. Because of the inability to find legal labor as an illegal immigrant, many turn to human trafficking as an occupation. As stated by Tsin Yen Koh, a graduate student from Harvard, â€Å"Tightening immigration policies and controls increases human trafficking. It becomes more difficult for labor migrants to enter and work in the destination country legally.†(Koh). Koh is explaining in this article that if the policies on one entering the United States along with citizenship were loosened, trafficking would not be such a major issue. Similarly, Marissa Urgate wrote in her â€Å"Journal of Trauma Practice†as a result of the United States creating restrictions against illegal immigrants, they engage in labor jobs such as prostitution and trafficking (Urgate). Making it easier to become a citizen would decrease humanShow MoreRelatedBecoming A Citizen Of The United States904 Words  | 4 Pages Becoming a citizen of the United States is a very prolonged process. Not just anybody can necessarily become a US citizen, there are multiple requirements and responsibilities to becoming a citizen, no matter if it is here in the US or any other particular country such as brazil or Germany. Being a US citizen is a special privilege and those who have become fortunate enough to become a citizen in the US should feel extremely lucky and proud. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
A Walk To Remember Essay Example For Students
A Walk To Remember Essay I have chosen to analyse A Walk To Remember as it is also a romantic comedy and has similar qualities to my fictional film. The poster has a white background, which represents purity and virginity. The title is written at the bottom of the page in white writing with a blue background. To me, the contrast of the white against the blue is immediately striking. This then makes you read the title, which creates the enigma of What do they mean by a walk to remember? This may persuade someone to see the film. I think having a contrast of colours on the title and background would be suitable for my poster, as I dont think the film will be sold on its plot alone. The poster also includes comments from press, which a lot of people will think is helpful when deciding to see a film. The stars names Mandy Moore and Shane West create the brand identity of this film. Having the names of the stars on the poster will attract the target audience that in this case is teenagers. Teenagers usually look at who is starring in the film when deciding what to see, this is usually because they are fans of them or feel attracted to the actor/actress. The pictures of the characters are set in opposition to each other. The girl looks innocent and slightly seductive whereas the boy looks serious and slightly cocky. The way characters are positioned on a poster is important. It creates enigmas and allows you to try and see if you can figure out what might happen. In this case from looking at them I think that maybe something happens between the two characters. The background of this poster is again white. From researching on the Internet I have discovered that most romantic comedies have white backgrounds on their posters. I think this is because white connotes purity and most romantic comedies are about two people meeting and falling in love. The title of the film Just Married is written in half red half white. The red connotes love and passion, which is a suggestive give away of what the film is about. The title denotes wedded bliss and a honeymoon but the illustrations on the poster connotes mistrays, frustration and therefore humour. Again the actors/actresses names are on the poster. Theyre not that big but are bold and in capital letters. The names arent that eye-catching and it makes you focus more on the actual pictures on the poster. The images of the characters are very different from each other. The girl Brittany Murphy looks bored and angry and the way she is sitting tells us that maybe the couple have had an argument. Ashton Kutchers body language is very open and relaxed. This tells us that he doesnt seem that bothered that the female isnt talking to him. He seems very playful as hes looking up at the insect above him. The images of the dog and car creates enigmas like I wonder what happened to that car? and Why arent they talking to each other? From looking at this poster I would think it was about a couple that had just got married and a lot of things had gone wrong. The poster has no release date on it that maybe tells us that the poster was released once the film was out at the cinema. It also has no comments from the press. This isnt always a good idea to have as it could take away the focus from the actual contents on the poster or the poster itself. .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .postImageUrl , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:hover , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:visited , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:active { border:0!important; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:active , .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uccfe469c91746fa4f3337c3a13a048de:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dementia in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty EssayI think this poster would stand out from the rest when deciding to see a film as it has images which make the film look entertaining and amusing for example, the smashed up car. This is one of the very few romantic comedy posters, which has a colour other than white as a background. Blue connotes coldness and cleanliness. Having a Manhattan skyline in the background makes the setting very obvious. New York is a big, bustling city that tells us that their lives are as busy and hectic as the city itself. The title Two Weeks Notice doesnt give away what the film could possibly be about. It tells us that something is going to happen in two weeks or he/she has given someone two weeks notice to do something. What, we dont know. This creates many enigmas like Two weeks to do what? and What have they got two weeks to do? The actors names are written along the top of the poster. If people were deciding what to see by looking at posters this film would sell by the actors or actresses. Hugh Grant is a very popular actor liked by a wide range of people, mainly young women. Young women again usually like Sandra Bullock. From the names of the actors you can guess the target audience: young women and teenagers. Hugh Grant frequently stars in films dealing with real life issues for example Bridget Jones Diary and Billy Elliot with the exception of About A Boy so I presume this is the same. The image of the couple shows them interdependent but also in opposition to each one another. This tells us that they somehow are a couple but are against each other in another way.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Reproduction A-Courting To Nature! Essays - Mating, Demography
Reproduction: A-Courting to Nature! For some time she had watched his movements, appearing coyly in his haunts. And now, had it paid off? Doubtless, he was in love. His muscles were taut; he swooped through the air more like an eagle than a Greylag gander. The only problem was, it was not for her that he then landed in a flurry of quacks and wingbeats, or for her that he dashed off surprise attacks on his fellows. It was, rather, for another - for her preening rival across the Bavarian lake. Poor goose. Will she mate with the gander of her dreams? Or will she trail him for years, laying infertile egg clutches as proof of her faithfulness? Either outcome is possible in an animal world marked daily by scenes of courtship, spurning and love triumphant. And take note: these are not the imaginings of some Disney screen-16 writer. Decades ago Konrad Lorenz, a famed Austrian naturalist, made detailed studies of Greylags and afterwards showed no hesitation in using words like love, grief and even embarrassment to describe the behavior of these large, social birds. At the same time he did not forget that all romance - animal and human - is tied intimately to natural selection. Natural selection brought on the evolution of males and females during prehistoric epochs when environmental change was making life difficult for single-sex species such as bacteria and algae. Generally, these reproduced by splitting into identical copies of themselves. New generations were thus no better than old ones at surviving in an altered world. With the emergence of the sexes, however, youngsters acquired the qualities of two parents. This meant that they were different from both - different and perhaps better at coping with tough problems of survival. At the same time, nature had to furnish a new set of instincts which would make "parents" out of such unreflective entities as mollusks and jellyfish.. The peacock's splendid feathers, the firefly's flash, the humpback whale's resounding bellow - all are means these animals have evolved to obey nature's command: "Find a mate. Transmit your characteristics through time!" But while most males would accept indiscriminate mating, females generally have more on their minds. In most species, after all, they take on reproduction's hardest chores such as carrying young, incubating eggs and tending newborns. Often they can produce only a few young in a lifetime. (Given half a chance, most males would spawn thousands.) So it's no surprising that the ladies are choosy. They want to match their characteristics with those of a successful mate. He may flap his wings or join a hockey team, but somehow he must show that his offspring will not likely be last to eat or first in predatory jaws. Strolling through the Australian underbrush that morning, she had seen nothing that might catch a female bowerbird's eye. True, several males along the way had built avenue bowers - twin rows of twigs lined up north and south. True, they had decorated their constructions with plant juices and charcoal. Yet they displayed nothing out front! Not a beetle's wing. Not a piece of flower. Then she saw him. He stood before the largest bower and in his mouth held a most beautiful object. It was a powder blue cigarette package, and beneath it there glinted a pair of pilfered car keys. Without hesitation she hopped forward to watch his ritual dance. Males have found many ways to prove their worth. Some, like bowerbirds, flaunt possessions and territory, defending these aggressively against the intrusion of fellow males. Others, like many birds and meat-eating mammals, pantomime nest building or otherwise demonstrate their capacity as dads. Still others, however, do nothing. Gentlemen may bring flowers, but most male fish just fertilize an egg pile some unknown female has left in underwater sand. For a fish, survival itself is a romantic feat. For other species, though, love demands supreme sacrifices. Shortly after alighting on the back of his mate, the male praying mantis probably had no idea what was in store. This would have been a good thing too, because as he continued to fertilize his partner's eggs, she twisted slowly around and bit off his head.
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